Free Press JournalFree Press Journal brings the Latest News & Top Breaking headlines on Politics and Current Affairs in India & around the World, Sports, Business, Bollywooden-usSat, 15 Feb 2025 19:17:07 +0000hourly1Maharashtra: Students, Activists Decry Poor Facilities In Hostels As Govt Allocates ?23 Cr For Solar Infrastructure/education/maharashtra-students-activists-decry-poor-facilities-in-hostels-as-govt-allocates-23-cr-for-solar-infrastructure/education/maharashtra-students-activists-decry-poor-facilities-in-hostels-as-govt-allocates-23-cr-for-solar-infrastructure#comments601381df-47d7-45f5-a84d-7d650a4592ffSat, 15 Feb 2025 19:10:21 +00002025-02-15T19:10:21.968ZVikrant Jha/api/author/1972976EducationTopnewsMumbai NewsFPJ ShortsStudents and activists have raised concerns over the lack of basic amenities — such as clean drinking water, healthcare facilities, and proper infrastructure — in government hostels and residential schools. This comes as the Maharashtra government has allocated over Rs23 crore for the installation of solar high mast lights and water heaters in these institutions under the Department of Social Justice and Special Assistance.

Activists have questioned the priority of the government in spending on solar equipment while students struggle with fundamental needs. "When basic facilities like clean drinking water are not available for students at the hostels, one questions the need for allocating over Rs23 crore for solar water heaters and solar panels. There are no proper medical facilities at hostels that are even in prime locations. At least two students died of dengue fever in the last four months at a Pune hostel which is located in a prime place. But the government is not thinking of enhancing health facilities and providing for basic needs of the students," said Kuldeep Ambekar, an activist associated with the organisation Student Helping Hand.

Ambekar further pointed out that several initiatives for students have been stalled due to funding issues. "There are so many projects and initiatives that are not being implemented, citing lack of funds by the department. In 2019, the then government had directed the opening of 'social equality centres' in hostels and residential schools. It was a good initiative as it would help students with material for competitive exams. The government had also assigned people to fill out forms for competitive exams at zero cost. That would have benefitted the students from marginalised sections. But the Government Resolution issued in 2019 is yet to be implemented," he added.

Students residing in these hostels also expressed dissatisfaction over the current state of facilities. "There are days when we do not get enough drinking water, and there are no proper medical services when we fall ill. The condition of the hostels is worsening, and no one seems to be addressing our concerns," said a student from a government hostel in Mumbai. Another student added, "We have been facing problems with sanitation and hygiene for a long time. There are barely any functioning washrooms, and maintenance is poor."

Several students have called for better allocation of funds to improve their living conditions before investing in solar infrastructure. "The hostel buildings are in a dilapidated condition. What is the point of having solar panels when our living conditions remain poor? The government should focus on repairing the hostels and improving the quality of food and medical care first," said another student. “The food quality also needs to be enhanced as it is very poor at many hostels in the state. In places such as Marathwada and Vidarbha, the condition of hostels are critical,” he added. 

Students urged the government to reassess its priorities and ensure that students’ essential needs are met before investing in other projects. "Solar energy is a good initiative, but it should not come at the cost of students lacking healthcare, food, or proper shelter. The government needs to rethink its budgetary allocations to truly support these students," said another student.

Second Flight With 119 Indian Deportees From US Lands In Amritsar/india/second-flight-with-119-indian-deportees-from-us-lands-in-amritsar/india/second-flight-with-119-indian-deportees-from-us-lands-in-amritsar#comments8d63b349-82d5-4c8b-92c0-4a45d31ce15dSat, 15 Feb 2025 18:34:48 +00002025-02-15T18:34:48.824ZRahul M/api/author/1856793IndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsA plane carrying 119 Indian deportees from the United States landed at Amritsar airport on Saturday.

This marks the second group of Indians deported by the Donald Trump administration as part of its pledged crackdown on illegal immigration.

According to a PTI report, among the 119 Indian deportees, 100 hail from Punjab and Haryana. The breakdown includes 67 from Punjab, 33 from Haryana, eight from Gujarat, three from Uttar Pradesh, two each from Goa, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan, and one each from Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir.

The second batch of deported illegal Indian immigrants includes four women and two minors, one of whom is a six-year-old girl, sources said. Most of the deportees belong to the 18-30 age group.

Additionally, a third flight carrying 157 deportees is expected to land on Sunday, the sources added.

Inputs from agencies

5 Must-Have Apps To Make Parenting Easier/lifestyle/5-must-have-apps-to-make-parenting-easier/lifestyle/5-must-have-apps-to-make-parenting-easier#comments4ad2c7db-e3f4-476a-8cab-104345baecc0Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZFPJ Features Desk/api/author/1503605LifestyleWeekendFeatured NewsProdigy baby

The Prodigy Baby app helps you uncover and develop your child’s inner potential in the first six years of their life. Through a quiz, the app determines the child’s current stage of development and future goals that allow it to build a tailored daily five-minute plan full of developmental exercises that don’t require any additional screentime as well. You can track your child’s progress through their milestone tracker and join a community of thousands of parents who are on the same journey as you.

Available on: iOS, Android

Baby connect

Baby connect is a comprehensive app that allows parents to keep a track of all of their kids’ daily activities on a singular platform. Apart from regularly monitoring the baby’s feeding schedule, tracking sleep, diaper patterns and recording milestones, the app also creates elaborate charts to store all this information which can readily be exported to any paediatrician for accurate diagnosis. With easy cross-platform accessibility, this all-round app keeps a track of all of your baby’s growth activities in one place.

Available on: iOS, Android

Family daily

Designed to simplify daily coordination and planning within a family, Family Daily allows you to store all your collective data in one place. It’s calendar feature lets you keep a track of each family member along with a personal calendar as well that lets you keep certain events confidential. With thousands of in-built recipes, the app allows you create a meal plan well in advance and make a collated grocery list to save multiple runs to the store. The app also features a chores list that lets you assign tasks to multiple family members and keep a track of their progress as well.

Available on: iOS, Android


Mylo is an all-round app that provides a period tracking calendar to help track your ovulation cycle and speed up your conceiving process. For pregnant women, it offers features like pregnancy sleep music, due date calculator, a weekly guide of what to expect during the pregnancy, baby names and shopping for baby products. Once your baby is born, the app provides detailed diet charts and a growth tracker for the first year. Most importantly, the app helps you connect to live doctor sessions and resource material as well as a community of people who are expecting at the same time as you.

Available on: iOS, Android


Babyverse is an app designed to help you keep a track of your baby’s milestones in the first two years. With information backed by medical professionals and its 24/7 support system powered by an AI chatbot, the app helps you manage your kid’s sleep and nutrition cycles as well with expert guidance. Along with tracking milestones, the app also guides parents in situations of growth delays with suitable screen time-free activities that are designed to help your child improve their skillset.

Available on: iOS, Android

Rotary Club of Bombay: Transforming Rural Lives With Sustainable Development/lifestyle/rotary-club-of-bombay-transforming-rural-lives-with-sustainable-development/lifestyle/rotary-club-of-bombay-transforming-rural-lives-with-sustainable-development#comments64219a2a-1c1c-4b17-8278-6dc9f30c8784Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZRadhika Ram/api/author/2221544LifestyleWeekendFeatured NewsOn February 13, 2025, the Rotary Club of Bombay inaugurated its 40th Integrated Rural Development (IVD) project, along with its partner Chirag Rural Development Foundation. So, why am I writing about it?

Many reasons. Beginning with the emotional reason that a part of the village development was done in loving memory of my mother Seetha Narayan. Another reason is that though I have observed this IVD project at an arm’s distance, I understand social service having given 25 years of my life to volunteering in the social space.

Thirdly, I have continuously and almost obsessively heard about this project for over five years from my brother who has been a Past President of the Rotary Club of Bombay, my sister Geeta Keshavan who sponsored one village development and my friend Pratibha Pai who founded and runs Chirag Rural Development Foundation.

Of course, the numbers speak for themselves. This particular village, called Chandragav has been equipped with solar powered lamps, solar powered street lights and water for year-round agricultural operations from solar powered lift irrigation.

The local primary school and the Anganwadi have been solarised to provide not just a comfortable environment for the students, but also smart screens and content for engaged learning, and toys specially planned to provide different skills to the kids. Every house has been provided with a portable water filter.

Of course over five years the figures tell a different story. Forty villages translate into 13088 lives transformed, 35 educational facilities, 360 acres of land brought under continuous irrigation, 140 solar street lights installed and 50,000 litres of safe drinking water provided at a household level. And all this, powered by 229 KW of clean solar energy.

As a social educator myself, I have been impressed by the best practices that are continuously taught to the farmers, the provision of seeds and fruit-bearing saplings in some cases, and the constant monitoring that happens. In fact all these efforts have actually mitigated urban migration from many villages.

To me, this is not just an integrated village development project. It is a case study in sustainability, a true exercise in rural community welfare and a model in needs- assessment, project execution and impact- assessment that could be emulated by others. These tribal villages are just 4 to 5 hours from Mumbai the maximum city and yet they lack these basic inputs so necessary for a meaningful life.

Now, as my brother says, the women will not carry pots of water up to the villages. The farmers will not migrate to urban slums after the monsoons, the streets will remain safely lit, the kids will be preparing for a better future and, of course, he adds that these 40 villages are just an example of what can and should be done.

5 Easy Hacks To Heal Chapped Lips Naturally/lifestyle/5-easy-hacks-to-heal-chapped-lips-naturally/lifestyle/5-easy-hacks-to-heal-chapped-lips-naturally#comments941c7f68-db71-4246-8989-bfa0bffe01a3Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZShikha Jain/api/author/623888LifestyleWeekendFeatured NewsChapped lips can be a problem at any time of the year. If it isn’t the bitter cold or dry air causing your lips to crack and flake, it’s the harsh effects of the sun or your cosmetic products that are drying out your lips. While lip balms can certainly help, there are also a variety of home remedies you can turn to for relief.

Material required:

  • Lemon 

  • Honey

  • Aloevera 

  • Coconut oil

  • Cucumber 

  • Cotton swab 

Exfoliate the lips: The chapped lips are covered with dry skin containing dead skin cells. This prevents the healing ingredients in lip balms and other coolants reach the new skin present underneath. So you should exfoliate or remove the dry skin in your cracked lips with lip scrubs available in the market. While purchasing lip scrubs, look for the ingredients that soothe and hydrate our lips. If you prefer homemade lip scrubs, then follow this. Mix lemon juice and honey in a 1:1 ratio and stir it well. Apply this mixture over your lips and leave it at least 10 minutes before peeling off the dry skin.

Coconut Oil: The essential fatty lipids in coconut oil take care of fixing cracks and water loss in the top layer of skins. It means the oil helps in moisturising the lips. Moreover, the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties along with minerals, vitamins provide your skin the resilience to fight against bacterial infection.

To put it simply, coconut oil is a powerful moisturising agent as well as boosting the barrier functionalities of your skin.

Apply pure coconut oil on the lips throughout the day. Use your finger or a cotton swab to rub oil on your lips.

Honey: Honey has been used as a natural remedy for skin problems for centuries as it is a good source of moisturising agents, wound healing properties. Meanwhile, it contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties that aid in preventing infection.

It is a mild exfoliator as well as moisturiser to provide you relief from chapped lips. Use your finger or cotton swab to dab honey on your lips.

Aloe Vera Gel: The gel present in aloe vera is well-known for its soothing properties and hence it is recommended to treat common dental problems like canker sores, etc. Meanwhile, it is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that make the gel an effective remedy to prevent the progression of chapped lips. The enzymes present in aloe vera gel also contains mild exfoliating properties. When you apply the gel, it helps in peeling off the dead cells whilst moisturising your dry lips.

Cucumber: Cucumber is a power source of vitamins and hydrating agents. It provides all minerals to remove dryness in your cracked lips. So it is an effective remedy to treat dry lips. You can massage your lips with a slice of cucumber or extract its juice and apply it over the lips. Otherwise, grind some cucumber slices and dab the paste on lips to hydrate them.

Nisha’s Mumbai: Nisha JamVwal Walks Us Through Her Week Filled With Art, Food, And Party/lifestyle/nishas-mumbai-nisha-jamvwal-walks-us-through-her-week-filled-with-art-food-and-party/lifestyle/nishas-mumbai-nisha-jamvwal-walks-us-through-her-week-filled-with-art-food-and-party#commentsc21ad5b2-4f28-47f3-8205-1899c93c3122Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZNisha JamVwal/api/author/1897085LifestyleFeatured NewsWeekendStarry evening

There are parties and there are parties, especially in the city that never sleeps — Aamchi Mumbai! But this one wins hands down as a favourite because of the two people who hosted it whom I have a special fondness for! A dinner heralding in the new year by my besties the Sanghi’s!

Little white tables, even more luminous under the stars and a full moon night dotted the verdant terrace garden alongside a never-ending sumptuous buffet. Mellifluous golden oldies belted out by a live singer — paradise enow? Film folk, ambassadors, literati (courtesy author Ashwin Sanghi), consul generals and ambassadors merged into one magnificent tapestry of celebrations. It was a blast.

High point of the evening — Kokilaben Ambani came and chatted and stayed enjoyed the evening. A personable and fun lady indeed!

Culinary artistry

I’ve already spoken to you about one of Mumbai’s most delectable tables — that of Zarine Khan — and this picture will prove it to you! Even a humble karela or baingan ki sabzi metamorphoses into culinary artistry on oversized silver salvers, presented and cooked to Zarine’s masterful recipes!

You do know she has written a cookbook interwoven with personal collections of family pictures and cherished anecdotes? The guest list was our predictable gang of friends — I’m open to new adventures always but one cannot deny the ineffable comfort in old beloved friendships nurtured over years, isn’t it?

Creative meet

An immersive interactive art music painting high tea at Gopika Dahanukar’s rambling bungalow at Altamount Road was not only special because of the evenings intrinsic magic but because everything took me back to my dear friend Prafulla Dahanukar who had been one of my first friends in Mumbai.

And because I was with two favourite friends and filmmaker’s Panchali Chakravarthy and Vinta Nanda. We were asked to let go of inhibitions and paint and that’s what I did! I enjoyed the experience of doing the thing I loved best — make art! The tea buffet looked like a work of art in its multi-layered tea Charlie’s adorned with colourful delectables. Pity that the three of us had gorged at a high tea meet before embarking upon this magnificent evening!

Musuem calling

Partition may be a long time ago but some of the ravages and wounds of those affected stay like indelible scars forever. And then the roads and paths that make for highways and ostensible connections that actually cut through pristine fields and ancestral farmlands of village folk, or that slice into urban homes, are indeed like fresh wounds.

It is a price we pay for progress, but the loss of trees and heritage and roads like gnashes on skin and barbed wire borders is something Reena Kallat addressed with profound insight at the recent show she opened at Bhau Daji Lal Museum. However much I eulogise the museum would be less because it’s a luminous jewel in our city — not as much celebrated as it deserves! It is for me as special as the Gateway of India (maybe more) or then the Taj Mahal Palace! We so desperately need more cultural sanctuaries in our Mumbai! Mr. Frick left his rambling home in New York to the city as a much-loved museum that the city treasures. I had entreated Jehangir Nicholson in his lifetime to do the same but I so hope someone does follow in the footsteps of Frick?

Philanthropists, are you listening to this cultural calling?

Write to Nisha JamVwal at

Know Why Prioritising Protein Is Key To Managing Blood Sugar/lifestyle/know-why-prioritising-protein-is-key-to-managing-blood-sugar/lifestyle/know-why-prioritising-protein-is-key-to-managing-blood-sugar#comments86bdd416-1ce3-48ac-b86f-0b53df2b6bccSat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZMadhavi Shilpi/api/author/2221622LifestyleWeekendFeatured NewsWhen managing blood sugar levels, the focus often falls on cutting out sugar, eating fibre and staying active. While these are critical, protein is often overlooked. Surprisingly, protein plays a vital role in stabilising blood sugar levels, yet most Indian diets fail to include enough of this essential macronutrient.

India’s nutritional landscape reveals a concerning trend. According to the Indian Market Research Bureau, over 70% of Indians consume diets deficient in protein. This is alarming in a country where 32.8% of the population has Prediabetes (Lancet). Indian meals, rich in carbohydrates like rice, chapati and potatoes, often fail to provide the protein needed to support metabolic health.

Busting protein myths

Protein is often misunderstood. Many believe it’s only for bodybuilders. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Another common myth is that protein harms the kidneys. Research shows that consuming appropriate amounts of protein does not harm kidney function in healthy individuals.

Protein is well-known for its role in muscle maintenance and growth. However, it also supports metabolism, hormone production and immune function, and is a great ally for blood sugar control. Inadequate protein intake can lead to visible signs and symptoms like hair loss, brittle nails, fatigue and poor immunity, along with impaired glucose tolerance - issues many Indians face without understanding the root cause.

How much do you really need?

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) recommends 0.8–1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. For a 60 kg adult, this means 48–60 g of protein per day. However, many people fall short of this target due to inadequate planning and misconceptions about protein sources.

Dal, a staple in Indian households, is often relied upon as a primary protein source. While nutritious, it alone cannot meet daily protein needs. A standard bowl of cooked dal (from about 30 g of raw lentils) contains 7–9 g of protein. Even consuming two servings a day adds up to only 14–18 g – far below the daily requirement.

Silent ally Protein plays multiple roles in stabilising blood sugar levels:

Reduces glycaemic response: When consumed with carbohydrates, protein slows glucose absorption, preventing sharp spikes in blood sugar.

Improves insulin sensitivity: Adequate protein intake enhances the body’s response to insulin, a critical hormone for blood sugar regulation.

Promotes satiety: Protein keeps you fuller for longer, reducing cravings and preventing overeating.


Vegetarian protein options

Dairy: Paneer, curd, and milk are versatile and easy to include.

Legumes and pulses: Rajma, chana, masoor dal, moong dal and peanuts are traditional staples.

Soy-based foods: Tofu and edamame are excellent sources of high-quality protein, particularly for vegetarians and vegans.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds provide protein along with healthy fats.

Non-vegetarian protein options
Affordable and nutrient-rich, eggs are a complete protein source.

Poultry and meat: Chicken, mutton and other meats are excellent sources of protein.

Seafood: Fish like salmon, mackerel and prawns provide protein along with essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Building a protein-rich day

Here’s a simple day’s plan adding up to 48–60 g of protein.


  • Paneer-stuffed paratha (50 g paneer, 10 g protein) with a bowl of yogurt (6 g protein)

  • 2 boiled eggs (12 g protein) with a slice of whole-grain toast (3 g protein)


  • 1 cup cooked rajma (15 g protein) with 1 multigrain roti (3 g protein) and a bowl of curd (6 g protein)

  • Chicken curry (100 g chicken, 20 g protein) with a small portion of steamed rice (4 g protein)

Evening Snack

  • Peanut chaat (50 g peanuts, 14 g protein)

  • Greek yogurt (100 g, 10 g protein) topped with fresh berries


  • Paneer capsicum tikka (100 g, 14 g protein) with a small bowl of masoor dal (7 g protein) and a small serving of rice (4 g protein)

  • Grilled fish (100 g, 20 g protein) with sautéed broccoli (2 g protein) and a side of roasted sweet potatoes (2 g protein)

Final thoughts

If you’re looking for ways to better manage your blood sugar levels, prioritising protein is a game-changer. Beyond stabilising blood sugar, protein helps improve energy levels, reduces cravings, and promotes better overall health.

For Indians, incorporating protein into daily meals doesn’t have to be difficult. From paneer and legumes to chicken curry and grilled fish, the options are endless. Rethink your plate today. With small, consistent changes and an emphasis on variety, you can let protein take centre stage in managing your blood sugar and transforming your health.

(Madhavi Shilpi, Nutritionist and Prediabetes Coach)

The Millennial Pilgrim: Commitment Over Compliance /lifestyle/the-millennial-pilgrim-commitment-over-compliance/lifestyle/the-millennial-pilgrim-commitment-over-compliance#comments59b7a88a-1d08-4003-bb5d-ff6f65156b31Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZSomi Das/api/author/1563631LifestyleWeekendFeatured NewsThe ability to take true ownership—of a project, an organization, or even a single task—is rare. Rarer still is the ability to do so with grace, empathy, and an unwavering sense of humanity—without treating people as mere instruments of efficiency. Real leadership isn’t about control; it’s about constructing a culture of shared success, free from ego and the hoarding of rewards.

One of the greatest challenges in workplaces today is compliance, ess. Why should your team listen to you? What’s in it for them? In a world grappling with climate collapse, rising mental health crises, and the increasing complexity of modern life—where even microplastics are found in human placentas and AI threatens job security—how do we transform workplaces into spaces that nurture, rather than deplete, the people who sustain them?

A workplace should be more than just a place to earn a paycheck—it should acknowledge and support the full spectrum of human needs. Mental health, financial security, and work-life balance must be built into the foundation. Imagine an environment where employees receive guidance on tax filings, financial planning, and healthcare options. A workplace with a canteen that promotes healthy eating, a space for rest, movement, or meditation—one that actively helps employees manage daily burdens like laundry, food, and financial concerns before demanding their full commitment.

The Cost of Neglecting Employee Well-being

Organizations that fail to consider the holistic well-being of their employees risk high turnover rates, low engagement, and diminished productivity. The burnout epidemic is real, with employees experiencing record levels of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion. When workplaces function as mere extraction points—draining employees without replenishing their well-being—loyalty becomes a transactional affair, easily abandoned for better opportunities elsewhere. A disengaged workforce isn’t just a cultural issue; it’s a financial one, costing businesses billions in lost productivity every year.

What Real Support Looks Like

Building a workplace that genuinely cares for its people requires intentional effort. Here are a few key strategies:

Mental Health Support: Provide access to counseling, stress management resources, and wellness programs. Normalize conversations around mental health to create a culture of psychological safety.

Financial Literacy Programs: Equip employees with knowledge about tax filings, savings, investments, and retirement planning. Offering employer-sponsored financial advising can alleviate major stressors in employees' lives.

Work-Life Balance Policies: Flexible work hours, remote work options, and paid family leave contribute to a sustainable and engaged workforce. People who feel they have control over their schedules are more productive and loyal.

Healthy Living Initiatives: A well-stocked canteen with nutritious food, dedicated spaces for relaxation, and access to fitness facilities can boost overall employee health and energy levels.

Purpose-Driven Culture: Employees want to feel their work has meaning. Clearly communicate how their contributions align with the organization’s mission, and involve them in decision-making processes where possible.

Beyond Perks: A Shift in Mindset

Supporting employees isn't just about offering perks; it requires a fundamental shift in how we view work. When businesses prioritize people over profit, they actually ensure sustained success. Employees who feel valued, supported, and seen don’t just comply—they commit. And that makes all the difference.

In an increasingly fractured world, work remains a critical source of meaning. But if people are exhausted, discarded, and given no opportunity for renewal, what right do we have to ask for their best? The organizations that recognize this truth will not only thrive but also set a new standard for what it means to lead with humanity.

(The writer is a mental health and behavioural sciences columnist, conducts art therapy workshops and provides personality development sessions for young adults. She can be found @the_millennial_pilgrim on Instagram and Twitter)

From Devotion To Decor: A Beginner’s Guide To Collecting Idols/lifestyle/from-devotion-to-decor-a-beginners-guide-to-collecting-idols/lifestyle/from-devotion-to-decor-a-beginners-guide-to-collecting-idols#commentsd1fb70f5-20a5-40a0-a9f0-5013fb7aa30eSat, 15 Feb 2025 18:30:00 +00002025-02-15T18:30:00.000ZStuti Gupta/api/author/2191249LifestyleWeekendFeatured NewsTraditionally considered marks of people’s devotion, idols represent more than just religion. They symbolise a way of life. Be it for the divine energy they bring to any setting or the symbolic importance they carry for deities, collecting idols has become a favourite pastime of many.

Here is a comprehensive beginner’s guide on how to step into and navigate this hobby:


The avenues for buying such high-quality products can range from the multitude of reliable online stores in prevalence to haggling at your local market, particularly around the festival season. However, make sure you thoroughly check the model in order to avoid buying broken figurines. Remember, sturdy material reaps long-term benefits in terms of easier cleaning, longer lifespan and lesser maintenance. To inculcate novelty into the hobby, you’re advised to diversify your search by buying idols from different locations to better grasp the cultural intricacies and significance of the same figure in various places along with regularly talking to people with a fair understanding of the same.


Different materials add different meanings to idols. Before making a purchase, figure out which material best serves your purpose and make a choice accordingly. While wood in general represents growth and purity, different kinds of trees carry deeper meanings as well. Metal is known to be durable and purifying with brass and silver being the classic materials buyers tend to go for. A symbol of endurance and permanency, stone idols such as that of granite, marble or soapstone carry significant relevance as well. Crafted from the soil, clay idols represent modesty while gemstones are markers of elegance and vibrance. Composite materials like fibreglass and resin, on the other hand, are durable, detailed and arrive in a range of design options to pick and choose from.

Preserve and store

In order to build a routine of preserving and storing your idols well, first understand the material and unique needs of the pieces that make up your collection. While brass and copper can tarnish over time, clay and resin idols need careful handling due to their fragile nature. Marble and stone idols are prone to get stained easily and wooden idols must be kept away from moisture. To prohibit brass and copper from losing their lustre over time, use a paste of lemon juice and salt or vinegar and flour to clean the pieces.

Marble and stone are durable but highly sensitive to any acidic substances. Hence, a mild acidic soap solution works wonders in their case. Clean your silver with a polishing cloth or a mixture prepared with baking soda and water to avoid stubborn tarnish. Avoid exposing your idols to harsh sunlight for long intervals of time and handle them with clean and dry hands. Try to carry out deep cleaning procedures regularly for maximal effectiveness.

Tools and equipment

Collectors are advised to use a microfibre cloth or a feather duster for wiping off surface dust from their idols. You can also put money into a soft bristled-brush to easily scrape out dirt from nooks and crannies while cleaning intricate designs. A small amount of mineral oil or beeswax can be used to help better clean wood idols at regular intervals. Try to preserve your collection in protective cases or covers to prevent dust build-up and damage. The easier alternative to this can be to wrap your collection in a soft, clean cloth and store the same in padded boxes or containers free from moisture.

Cost involved

Before starting off this hobby, draw a clear outline of your budget to gain a broader understanding of your financial limits. The cost of individual pieces can vary depending on a multitude of factors such as material used, size, intricacy of design and specific deity. When you go from basic to precious materials or opt for models larger in size or more intricate in nature, your price scales tend to level up accordingly as well. It’s also important to keep in mind that reputed artisans and stores are bound to carry hefty prices due to the quality, reputation and trust they offer. However, at the end of the day, the innate satisfaction you get from building a collection you feel good about far supersedes any monetary tag attached to it.

 Post collection, it’s also advised to dispose of used or old idols in a manner that is environmentally sound and spiritually appropriate. Starting your idol collection at the earliest is no doubt a sure-shot path to introduce vitality and vigour into your life.


Post collection, the manner in which you choose to display your idols can significantly influence the aesthetic value they add to your home. Find a spot that is easily accessible and looks elegant in nature. You can also choose to display your idols on glass or metal shelves to add a modern touch. Try and play with additional elements like contemporary art pieces, wall hangings, soft lighting, natural plants and neutral décor to enhance the spiritual ambiance your collection creates.

Navi Mumbai International Airport To Be Named After DB Patil, Awaits Central Approval/mumbai/navi-mumbai-international-airport-to-be-named-after-db-patil-awaits-central-approval/mumbai/navi-mumbai-international-airport-to-be-named-after-db-patil-awaits-central-approval#commentsaeed3e03-ae03-4cdf-9175-e0596423391fSat, 15 Feb 2025 18:21:44 +00002025-02-15T18:21:44.957ZSameera Kapoor Munshi/api/author/2185130Mumbai NewsTopnewsFPJ ShortsThe Navi Mumbai International Airport will be named after social activist D. B. Patil, reiterated the State Forest Minister and Guardian Minister of Palghar District, MLA Ganesh Naik. 

The minister was speaking at a meeting  organized on Saturday at Vashi by the Loknete D. B. Patil Navi Mumbai International Airport Naming All-Party Action Committee and the Akhil Agri Samaj Parishad.

"Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has already assured that the Navi Mumbai International Airport will be named after Loknete D. B. Patil. .A resolution supporting the renaming has already been passed in both houses of the state legislature. Therefore, the renaming is certain," said Naik. 

In his introductory speech, the chairman of the action committee  Dashrath  Patil,Dashrath Patil emphasized the need to push the airport renaming demand more aggressively. "  Both houses of the Maharashtra Legislature have already passed the resolution for renaming the airport, and it has been sent to the Central Government for final approval," said Patil. He urged that the Central Government must give its approval before the airport becomes operational.

 Additionally,   priority for locals for employment opportunities and other work within the airport area was highlighted during the meeting. " A parent committee for the Navi Mumbai airport, similar to the one for Mumbai Airport, must be formed and  Dr. Sanjeev Naik should be appointed as its chairman," said the chairman. 

During the meeting it was demanded that  various legal cases filed against protestors involved in the airport renaming movement should be withdrawn. 

The minister assured that he would discuss with the Chief Minister the withdrawal of legal cases against the protestors.Furthermore, Ganesh Naik  stated of prioritizing the employment of project-affected locals in job opportunities and other work within the   airport region. He assured that a meeting with the airport management would be held regarding this matter. He also informed the gathering that efforts were being made to grant ownership rights to the project-affected individuals for all constructions they built out of necessity.

During this event, individuals who actively participated in the airport renaming movement were honored with the D. B. Warrior Award by Ganesh Naik and other dignitaries.

The event was attended by former minister Ravi Sheth Patil,  former MP Dr. Sanjeev Naik, MLA Mandat Mhatre, former MLAs Subhash Bhoir and Yogesh Patil, Atul Patil (son of Loknete D. B. Patil), former municipal chairman J. M. Mhatre, J. D. Tandel, Bhushan Patil, Mahendra Gharat, Deepak Mhatre, Rajaram Patil, former Panvel deputy mayor Jagdish Gaikwad, and Deepak Patil, along with many other prominent members of the Agri community.

Pakistan: Drunk Punjab Police Constable Caught Naked While Trying To Rape Woman Beggar, Shoots Cameraman (VIDEO)/world/pakistan-drunk-punjab-police-constable-caught-naked-while-trying-to-rape-woman-beggar-shoots-cameraman-video/world/pakistan-drunk-punjab-police-constable-caught-naked-while-trying-to-rape-woman-beggar-shoots-cameraman-video#commentsb113e489-ed9e-4a37-9404-6f5bcd27b749Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:17:53 +00002025-02-15T18:17:53.842ZAzhar Khan/api/author/1807875WorldTopnewsFPJ ShortsLahore, February 15: In a shocking incident, a Punjab Police constable caught on camera trying to rape an elderly beggar woman in Pakistan's Manawan area. The entire incident was caught on camera and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. The video shows that the police constable is caught red-handed while trying to rape the disabled woman in the fields at night. As per reports, the constable has been arrested for his cruel act. The video also shows that the constable who has been identified as Amjad shot the camera man who was filming the incident.

Amjad was furious at the camera man for filming him in compromising position with the disabled beggar woman after which he fired a bullet from his AK-47 rifle at the man who was filming the incident. The camera man was shot in the leg due to which he was injured. He also showed his bullet wound in the video. The constable shot the camera man in an attempt to flee from the spot.

Warning: Disturbing Video. Viewer's Discretion Advised.

As per reports, the incident occurred on Sunday (February 10) in Pakistan's Manawan area. There are reports that the constable was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident.

There are reports that the drunk police constable intercepted the woman on a deserted road and dragged her into the field and tried to rape her. The woman raised an alarm, after which many people reached the spot.

On hearing the commotion, the drunk police constable started wearing his uniform in a hurry. However, he was caught by the locals while he was in his underwear and the woman is seen in the video naked without her pants.

The injured camera man who has been identified as Sajid Ali, started filming the constable who was trying to flee the spot with his rifle in his hand. As the people were chasing the constable, he opened fire at Sajid Ali due to which he suffered injuries to his leg.

He was rushed to the hospital where he is receiving treatment for his injuries. However, the police arrested Amjad and an inquiry has been initiated in connection with the matter.

As per reports, the accused constable has been suspended by the Lahore Operations DIG and also a criminal case has been registered against the him at the Shafiqabad Police Station.

Delhi Railway Station Chaos: 15 Injured Amid Huge Rush, Railways Denies Stampede Claims; Visuals Surface/india/delhi-railway-station-chaos-15-injured-amid-huge-rush-railways-denies-stampede-claims-visuals-surface/india/delhi-railway-station-chaos-15-injured-amid-huge-rush-railways-denies-stampede-claims-visuals-surface#comments0ad12a46-5799-4a88-8637-eb51befafd26Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:13:01 +00002025-02-15T18:13:01.162ZANI/api/author/623872IndiaTopnewsFPJ Shorts Around 15 people were injured on Saturday due to a huge rush at New Delhi Railway Station.

Four fire tenders were rushed to the spot, according to the Delhi Fire Service.

The Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) of Northern Railway, Himanshu Shekhar Upadhyay, said that there was no stampede at New Delhi Railway Station.

He said that Northern Railways was running two planned special trains (for Prayagraj).

"There is no stampede (at New Delhi Railway Station). It is only a rumour. Northern Railways was running two planned special trains (for Prayagraj)," said CPRO Northern Railways.

The Ministry of Railway said that the situation is under control, and the injured have been taken to the hospital.

Railway Police and Delhi Police have reached the station (New Delhi Railway station). The situation is under control, and the injured have been taken to the hospital, according to Ministry of Railway.

More details are awaited. 

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz Live Streaming: When & Where To Watch WPL 2025 Match Live In India,US & UK /sports/gujarat-giants-vs-up-warriorz-live-streaming-when-where-to-watch-wpl-2025-match-live-in-indiaus-uk/sports/gujarat-giants-vs-up-warriorz-live-streaming-when-where-to-watch-wpl-2025-match-live-in-indiaus-uk#comments7a619797-5b2c-4cbc-bdcb-7a3b5dd1c0edSat, 15 Feb 2025 18:07:53 +00002025-02-15T18:07:53.297ZShreyas Dhopeshwarkar/api/author/2118145SportsTopnewsFPJ ShortsDailyhuntAfter a heavy defeat in their Women's Premier League season opener, Gujarat Giants will be looking for a stronger bowling performance and improved fielding when they face UP Warriorz on Sunday.

In their first match, Gujarat Giants put up a solid batting display, setting a challenging 202-run target against defending champions Royal Challengers Bengaluru. However, their bowling struggled, with six different bowlers failing to contain the opposition.

With just one day to regroup before their next game, the Giants will need to sharpen their bowling and fielding. Meanwhile, UP Warriorz will play under a new captain, India's Deepti Sharma, as regular skipper Alyssa Healy is out of the tournament due to injuries.

When & Where to Watch Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz In India, US & UK

Which channel will broadcast the live match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz ?

The match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz will be broadcasted live on Star Sports Network. 

What time will the Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz toss happen?

The toss for the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz will take place at 07:00 PM IST.

What time will the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz start?

The match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz will start at 07:30 PM IST.

Where to catch the Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz match Live Streaming in India?

The live streaming of the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz will be available on the JioHotstar app and website.

How to watch the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz in the US?

Fans in the US can watch the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz on Willow TV. Match will begin at 09:00 AM EST.

How to watch the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz in UK?

Fans in the UK can watch the match between Gujarat Giants vs UP Warriorz live telecast on Sky Sports Cricket. Match will begin at 02:00 PM UK time.

ISPL Season 2 Ends On Spectacular Note With Majhi Mumbai Emerged As Champions/sports/ispl-season-2-ends-on-spectacular-note-with-majhi-mumbai-emerged-as-champions/sports/ispl-season-2-ends-on-spectacular-note-with-majhi-mumbai-emerged-as-champions#comments8f8ae829-03d2-4d10-b81c-ad307f3f4aa4Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:07:33 +00002025-02-15T18:07:33.288ZANI/api/author/623872SportsDailyhuntFPJ ShortsTopnewsAs the curtains drew on an electrifying second season of the Indian Street Premier League (ISPL), with Majhi Mumbai eventually clinching the title after pipping Srinagar Ke Veer by three wickets in a nail-biting summit clash at the jam-packed Dadoji Kondadev Stadium here on Saturday, the tournament truly lived up to its billing of a dazzling spectacle of cricketing brilliance, said an official statement.

The capacity crowd was treated to a riveting contest as the match went down to the wire, with fortunes swinging both ways, before Mumbai, the runners-up of the inaugural ISPL season, finally got home with Ankur's gigantic six, as per a press release from ISPL.

Every six smashed, every wicket taken, and every dive on the field echoed the spirit of millions who grew up playing with a tennis ball. Bringing together the raw energy of young guns and the masterful experience of seasoned campaigners, the 20-day tournament was a perfect symphony of edge-of-the-seat thrillers and captivating musical performances.

Endorsed by the God of Cricket Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar, member of the ISPL core committee, the tournament has grown from strength to strength, allowing dreamers who once played in the gullies, maidans and streets to find themselves in the spotlight, proving that talent knows no boundaries.

Tendulkar, along with fellow members of the ISPL core committee, including Ashish Shelar, Suraj Samat and Minal Amol Kale, graced the final along with Bollywood superstars Amitabh Bachchan and Akshay Kumar the owners of the ISPL, Season 2 finalists Majhi Mumbai and Srinagar Ke Veer.

After Mumbai won the toss and opted to field, Amitabh Bachchan and Akshay Kumar played a fun Tip-Toe to choose the dugout, with Tendulkar donning the umpire's role. Sr Bachchan also participated in the Mumbai team huddle, while Akshay was seen motivating his players in the Srinagar dugout.

Put into bat, Srinagar rode a power-packed show from the opening pair of Sagar Ali and Akash Tarekar, with the duo putting up the highest first-wicket partnership of 108 runs before losing five wickets in a span of 12 runs to eventually post 120/5 -- the highest total in the ISPL final.

Akash, who has blown hot and cold throughout the tournament, saved his best for the big final, slamming an unbeaten 59 off 32 deliveries, powered by three boundaries and five colossal sixes. Sagar started the onslaught with a six on the opening before Akash announced his arrival and later went on to outscore his partner.

Sagar eventually was dismissed in the penultimate over of their innings after scoring a 23-ball 40, laced with four massive sixes, while the rest of the batters succumbed attempting the glory shots. For Mumbai, Abhishek Kumar Dalhor, who already was leading the season's wicket-takers chart, added two more to take his tally to 24.

In response, skipper Vijay Pawle led Majhi Mumbai's recovery after the side lost wickets in heaps, with a responsible innings, and found Birendra as an able ally with the duo milking Dilip Binjwa for 39 runs off the 50-50 Challenge Over to turn things around.

Mumbai got off to a perfect start, raising 25 runs off the power play before losing their way to struggle at 64 for 6. Still, Pawle's arrival changed the complexion of the game as the skipper slammed an unbeaten 9-ball 22, powered by three sixes, and Birendra slammed a 6-ball 14, containing a couple of mammoth sixes.

With Mumbai needing six off the final over, Ankur missed the first two balls before launching the third over the skies to bring home the cup.

This season of the ISPL was more than just taking cricket from the Street to the Stadium; it was about transforming dreams into reality, proving that the next cricketing hero could emerge from anywhere.

The tournament has not only given the tennis ball cricketers the spotlight but also provided them with financial security -- with Majhi Mumbai's star all-rounder Abhishek Kumar Dalhor, emerging the most expensive player of this season after being roped in for a whopping Rs 20.50 lakh.

WINGS Mumbai: Over 55 Birdwatching Teams To Explore City's Avian Diversity On Feb 16/mumbai/wings-mumbai-over-55-birdwatching-teams-to-explore-citys-avian-diversity-on-feb-16/mumbai/wings-mumbai-over-55-birdwatching-teams-to-explore-citys-avian-diversity-on-feb-16#comments2dcc0fbe-6cd6-41b9-aa77-1e46dcd88689Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:01:52 +00002025-02-15T18:01:52.740ZSameera Kapoor Munshi/api/author/2185130Mumbai NewsTopnewsFPJ ShortsMore than 55 odd teams of birdwatching enthusiasts will wander through the Mumbai region to observe different types of birds seen in the city. The WINGS Mumbai event – coming together for birds and environment is to be held on February 16. 

What began as a coming together of over 100 bird enthusiasts in Mumbai in December 2005, and became hugely popular pan-India as the India Bird Races over the years, now comes in its new avatar renamed as WINGS – Birds of India (a Nature Awareness Program). In the Mumbai region, the activity area spans from Manor – Vikramgadh – Wada – Murbad in the North/north-east to Murud-Janjira – Phansad Sanctuary in the south and the base of the Sahyadri hills to the east.

“Besides, participants are free to cover numerous urban sites across this vast region. The teams then upload the checklists onto the eBird birding app which helps in compiling the data. The support of online platforms e-Bird and Bird Count India has helped document the data in a simple and systematic manner,” said the event coordinator Sunjoy Monga .

Following the activity, the teams will gather for sharing their birding experiences with other teams and guests and a presentation by one or more subject experts.  

“ We have invited speakers from the fields of ornithology, nature conservation, as well as local departments. This time we have speakers sharing their views on the avifauna of the IIT campus site and on the Lokhandwala Lake. WINGS– Birds of India is intended to bring into focus the cause of birds in the context of the urban environment, and contribute to data documentation and sharing,” said Monga.

Since the past three years, this popular birding event has expanded into a pan-Maharashtra event. A pan-State format in Gujarat and Kerala too was conducted earlier and has received tremendous response. “This season, besides participants from Mumbai area , we have about a dozen teams from across too participating, from Akola, Amravati, Wardha, Nagpur, Yavatmal, Pune, Mahabaleshwar and Baramati areas, passionately showing their support for the cause,” said the coordinator. 

Participants will be forming a group of three to five birders lead by an expert/senior birdwatcher and explore a wide range of sites in and around every venue.

WPL 2025: Shafali Verma, Niki Prasad Shine As Delhi Capitals Defeat Mumbai Indians In Last-Ball Thriller/sports/wpl-2025-shafali-verma-niki-prasad-shine-as-delhi-capitals-defeat-mumbai-indians-in-last-ball-thriller/sports/wpl-2025-shafali-verma-niki-prasad-shine-as-delhi-capitals-defeat-mumbai-indians-in-last-ball-thriller#comments8fa7379b-7bfe-4c85-9dcf-f9c090452014Sat, 15 Feb 2025 18:00:40 +00002025-02-15T18:00:40.814ZANI/api/author/623872SportsTopnewsFPJ ShortsDailyhuntA blistering start by Shafali Varma and composed knocks by Niki Prasad and Sarah Bryce helped Delhi Capitals (DC) secure a two-wicket win against Mumbai Indians (MI) in an edge-of-the-seat thriller during the ongoing Women's Premier League (WPL) at Vadodara on Saturday.

Chasing 165, DC was left 109/5 in 14.5 overs despite a fine 60-run opening stand. However, Niki Prasad and Sarah took down the equation to 10 runs off the last over despite wickets falling at other end.

With two runs needed on final ball, the pair of Arundhati Reddy and Radha Yadav completed a risky double and it was worth all the toil.

After Delhi Capitals won the toss and elected to bowl first, they were off to a fine start as a low grab by skipper Meg Lanning on a Shikha Pandey delivery sent Hayley Matthews packing for a duck on the second ball. MI was 0/1.

In the next over, Alice Capsey gave away 19 runs, including five runs after a four on wide, two fours from Yastika Bhatia and one boundary from Nat-Sciver Brunt. Shikha got her second wicket in the fifth over, beating Yastika's stumps as she was gone for 11 in nine balls. MI was 32/2 in 4.2 overs.

At the end of powerplay, MI was 41/2 in six overs, with Brunt (22*) joined by skipper Harmanpreet Kaur (2*) unbeaten. With a four by Brunt, MI reached the 50-run mark in 7.1 overs. In the same over, she and Kaur hit Radha for a four and six more, looting 18 runs in total.

The duo kept the run-rate up and brought up their 50-run stand in 30 balls. In 10 overs, MI were 87/2, with Brunt (45*) and Kaur (24*) unbeaten. In the 11th over, Kaur went on a blitz against Annabel Sutherland, smashing her for three fours and a six before debutant Niki Prasad caught her, sending her back for 42 in 22 balls, with four boundaries and three sixes. MI was 105/3 in 10.5 overs.

Sciver Brunt reached her fourth WPL fifty in 36 balls, with nine fours. But after that, there was one wicket falling per over from overs 14-16, leaving MI struggling at 146/6. Amelia Kerr, S Sajana and Amanjot Kaur went back to the pavilion for single digits.

Sciver held the innings together, helping MI reach the 150-run mark in 16.5 overs. MI continued their implosion towards the end, bundling out for 164 runs in 19.1 overs. Brunt was the top-scorer, with 80* in 59 balls, with 13 fours.

Sutherland (3/34) was the top bowler for DC. Shikha got two while Minnu Mani and Capsey got one each. During the run-chase of 165, Delhi was off to a fine start as Shafali Varma looted 22 runs in the second over bowled by Saika Ishaque, including four boundaries and a six.

In the sixth over, Shafali launched Matthews for two successive fours, bringing up the 50-run mark in 5.1 overs and a six. However, a fine catch at short mid-wicket from Amanjot meant the bowler had the last laugh. Shafali was gone for 43 in 18 balls, with seven fours and two sixes. DC was 60/1 in 5.5 overs.

In the next over, Lanning's knock of 15 in 19 balls, with three fours was ended by Shabnim Ismail as she castled her stumps. DC was 60/2 in 6.1 overs. All-rounders Amelia and Sciver got Jemimah Rodrigues (2) and Annabel Sutherland (13) in quick succession, derailing DC's chase, and sinking them to 76/4 in 8.5 overs.

At the end of 10 overs, DC were 83/4, with Capsey (3*) and Prasad (5*) unbeaten. DC reached the 100-run mark in 13 overs, with the help of a four by Niki. An attempted loft by Capsey went into hands of Ismail at long-on, removing her at the hands of Amelia for 16 in 18 balls. DC was 109/5 in 14.5 overs.

Some hits by Prasad and Sarah Bryce helped DC bring down the equation to 21 in two overs, but Mathews had removed Bryce for 21 in 12 balls, with two fours and a six. The 19th over was a thrilling one. While Shikha was run out for three, Radha Yadav tonked the final ball for a six, bringing down the equation to 10 runs in the last over.

The final over started with Niki hitting a boundary. But the dismissal of Niki on the second-last ball for 35 in 33 balls, with four boundaries, left DC with two to get on the final ball.

DC chased down the total on the last ball, with Arundhati Reddy (2*) and Radha Yadav (9*) completing a risky double.
Amelia (2/21) and Mathews (2/32) were top wicket-takers for MI. Ismail, Sciver and Sajana got one each.

LeRemitt Unveils Document Management Solution For Foreign Trade/business/leremitt-unveils-document-management-solution-for-foreign-trade/business/leremitt-unveils-document-management-solution-for-foreign-trade#comments1d0583ba-a48b-42e5-abd8-12564edf7a6dSat, 15 Feb 2025 17:52:26 +00002025-02-15T17:52:26.040ZFPJ News Service/api/author/623884BusinessTopnewsFPJ ShortsLeRemitt, a fintech platform focused on facilitating cross-border payments for MSME goods and services exporters has launched ‘LeDoc’, an Al-powered platform designed to streamline trade documentation and compliance management.

LeDoc is the latest addition to LeRemitt’s Global Trade Verse, an integrated cross-border platform that leverages technology and industry expertise to simplify global trade. With documentation and compliance accounting for a significant time today, this platform will streamline the backend of exporters.

Indian exporters contribute largely to the economy and India’s overall exports of goods and services in 2024 are estimated to cross $814 billion, an increase of 5.58% a report by the Global Trade Research Initiative.

'NITI Aayog Shows Mirror To Haryana BJP Govt,' Says Congress Leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda/india/niti-aayog-shows-mirror-to-haryana-bjp-govt-says-congress-leader-bhupinder-singh-hooda/india/niti-aayog-shows-mirror-to-haryana-bjp-govt-says-congress-leader-bhupinder-singh-hooda#commentsddba4a92-0d59-4fe7-8a6f-28709b8903a8Sat, 15 Feb 2025 17:49:34 +00002025-02-15T17:49:34.703ZRajesh Moudgil/api/author/1636414IndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsChandigarh: Senior Congress leader and former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Saturday said that NITI Aayog has once again shown the mirror to the BJP government of the state as its report has revealed that Haryana is far behind other states in terms of higher education.

“Haryana has lagged behind even its closest neighbouring states. The basis for the report is financing, ranking and quality of education. The report of NITI Aayog shows that even in terms of university ranking, Haryana is performing poorly compared to other states,” Hooda said.

Hooda, a two-time chief minister, alleged the BJP government is making less budgetary allocation for the education sector compared to neighbouring states. Even two years ago, the Haryana government had proposed to give loans to the state's public universities in place of grant-in-aid. Alleging that due to the BJP's indifferent attitude towards education, the dropout rate in higher education is continuously increasing, he further held that a large number of seats are remaining vacant in the courses of colleges and universities.

The report of NITI Aayog says the density of higher education in Haryana is also less as compared to the neighbouring states, and the quality of higher education and the lack of regular teachers in large numbers also remains a matter of concern, he said.

Quoting a recent news report that only one guest teacher has been appointed for 96 girl students in the school of Kalanwali in Sirsa who has the responsibility of teaching the girl students of all classes, maintaining school records, attending meetings and even mid-day meals, Hooda further held that this is the condition of government schools not only in Kalanwali but in the entire state.

US Deportation Scam: Punjab Police Nabs Travel Agent In Illegal Immigration Case/india/us-deportation-scam-punjab-police-nabs-travel-agent-in-illegal-immigration-case/india/us-deportation-scam-punjab-police-nabs-travel-agent-in-illegal-immigration-case#commentsbfa4f4d2-81ca-453c-9aca-25acfe731ef3Sat, 15 Feb 2025 17:44:50 +00002025-02-15T17:44:50.657ZRajesh Moudgil/api/author/1636414IndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsChandigarh: The NRI affairs wing of Punjab police on Saturday claimed to have arrested a travel agent identified as Anil Batra, one of the four accused involved in the illegal immigration scam case.

The development came close on the heels of the Special Investigation Team (SIT) constituted recently by Punjab police registering 10 first information reports (FIRs) against travel agents, who allegedly deceived victims with false promises of facilitating illegal entry into the United States, resulting in their deportation.

Stating that Anil Batra, a resident of Shanti Nagar, Teka Market, Thanesar, Kurukshetra, Haryana, who was arrested from his in-laws’ residence in Partap Nagar, Patiala, under sections 406, 420, 370, and 120-B of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and Section 24 of the Emigration Act, police said that the accused facilitated the illegal immigration process by arranging a visa of country Suriname and ticket for the complainant.

Once in Suriname, the victim travelled overland to other countries in South America, including Brazil or Colombia, where he crossed into Central America. In Central America he travelled through countries, including Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico, to finally reach the United States of America (USA) illegally, with the help of traffickers and smugglers. Anil Batra’s bank account has also been frozen with a balance of Rs 6.35 lakhs, police said and advised people to only approach licensed agents for immigration services and verify their credentials thoroughly to avoid falling prey to scams.

VIDEO: Chaos At New Delhi Railway Station As Several Faint Due To Suffocation Amid Huge Crowd For Maha Kumbh 2025/india/video-chaos-at-new-delhi-railway-station-as-several-faint-due-to-suffocation-amid-huge-crowd-for-maha-kumbh-2025/india/video-chaos-at-new-delhi-railway-station-as-several-faint-due-to-suffocation-amid-huge-crowd-for-maha-kumbh-2025#comments2e3a6bba-2ce2-49f4-a432-fab5606606cbSat, 15 Feb 2025 17:23:59 +00002025-02-15T17:23:59.618ZAzhar Khan/api/author/1807875IndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsNew Delhi, February 15: In a shocking incident, a major incident occurred at platform number 15 of New Delhi Railway Station on Saturday, February 15 due to extreme overcrowding at the station. Few people fainted at the station due to suffocation which occurred due to the overcrowding at the station. The massive crowd reached the station reportedly to catch the Prayagraj Express as a large number of devotees wanted to reach the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025.

A video has surfaced on social media in which it can be seen that a sea of people is present at the railway station and the victims are being carried on handcart by the employees at the station.

There are reports that heavy crowd led to a situation of suffocation, causing several people to faint. However, the Railway Unit of Delhi Police has denied reports of a stampede.

Many visuals have surfaced on social media showing a huge crowd at the New Delhi Railway Station. The massive crowd of devotees rushed at the New Delhi Railway Station to attend the Maha Kumbh 2025 Mela in Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj. Many people are seen at the railway station trying to get the train to reach the Kumbh Mela.

Several people have fainted, however, there are no reports of any casualties into the incident. The number of people who fainted due to suffocation is also not clear yet. There are reportedly 10 people who suffered injuries in the stampede-like situation at the station, reports ANI.

Delhi Fire Service said that there was a stampede-like situation at New Delhi Railway Station and they received a call from the station after which fire tenders rushed to the spot. As per reports from ANI, "Stampede-like situation at New Delhi Railway station. A call has been received from the New Delhi Railway station. 4 fire tenders rushed to the site. More details awaited," said Delhi Fire Service.

Bhopal: Daily Wage Worker Ran 3 Firms, Owned ?3.05 Crore Assets/bhopal/bhopal-daily-wage-worker-ran-3-firms-owned-305-crore-assets/bhopal/bhopal-daily-wage-worker-ran-3-firms-owned-305-crore-assets#commentsdc2cef23-f64c-42b7-80d4-c6805dd5dc3eSat, 15 Feb 2025 17:20:11 +00002025-02-15T17:20:11.877ZStaff Reporter/api/author/623880Bhopal NewsTopnewsBhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Shiv Kumar Jharia, a daily wage worker at Bicchia Nagar Palika was found running three private companies and owning movable and immovable assets worth several crores in a raid carried out by Economic Offences Wing (EOW) at his residential and commercial establishments in Jabalpur on Saturday.

Jharia earlier served as cashier at MANREGA at Mogaon in Mandala district. EOW registered a case against Jharia under Prevention of Corruption Act after he was found owning assets 1200 per cent more than his income. Earlier, an FIR was registered against him at Bichhia police station for committing financial anomalies worth over Rs 29 lakh.

EOW officials said that search was conducted at Jharia’s residence and commercial establishments which revealed that Jharia and his kin owned properties worth several crores. Officials found documents of a home and four plots worth Rs 50.57 lakh, 12 insurance policies of Rs 29.72 lakh, 2 FDRs worth Rs 5 lakh along with jewellery and valuables worth Rs 32.85 lakh.

Moreover, the search revealed that Jharia is the director of Shivangi Travels, Shivanshi Green Solutions and Shivanshi India Nidhi Private Limited. Shivangi Travels was running four SUVs in Delhi worth Rs 1.05 crore and a hatchback worth Rs 45.23 lakh.

Shivanshi Green Solution deals in solar panels while Shivanshi India Nidhi was engaged in banking business. EOW officials said that further details were being collected regarding other movable and immovable assets of Jharia. The analyses of documents and records till now indicate that Jharia and his kin own disproportionate assets worth Rs 3. 05 crore, officials added.

Video: Real Madrid Star Midfielder Jude Bellingham Was Sent Off Against Osasuna After Arguing With Referee /sports/real-madrid-star-midfielder-jude-bellingham-was-sent-off-against-osasuna-after-arguing-with-referee/sports/real-madrid-star-midfielder-jude-bellingham-was-sent-off-against-osasuna-after-arguing-with-referee#comments52f909eb-ff16-448a-ad3a-a1b2b977fb30Sat, 15 Feb 2025 17:18:42 +00002025-02-15T17:18:42.250ZAmertha Rangankar/api/author/2213845SportsDailyhuntTopnewsFPJ ShortsIn a shocking turn of events, Real Madrid midfielder Jude Bellingham was given his marching orders during the team's La Liga clash against Osasuna. The 21-year-old English international was shown a straight red card in the 38th minute of the game for dissent towards referee Jose Luis Munuera Montero.

The incident occurred when Bellingham was seen protesting a previous incident near the center circle. The referee deemed his behavior unacceptable and promptly handed him a red card, leaving Real Madrid to play with 10 men for the remainder of the game.

This isn't Bellingham's first run-in with the referees. He was previously sent off in a match against Valencia in March 2024. Additionally, he was involved in a heated exchange with the linesman during a recent match against Atletico Madrid, where he was heard using foul language.

Real Madrid looking for a comeback after Jude Bellingham's Red Card

Jude Bellingham was given a straight red card by referee Montero in the 39th minute after directing a comment at the official, the exact nature of which is unclear, but deemed serious enough to warrant an immediate dismissal.

Real Madrid was leading 1-0 at the time of Bellingham's dismissal, thanks to a goal from Kylian Mbappe. The team will now have to dig deep to hold on to their lead and secure a win against Osasuna.

The consequences of Bellingham's red card could be significant, potentially impacting Real Madrid's chances in the La Liga title race. With Atletico Madrid and Barcelona hot on their heels, Carlo Ancelotti's team can ill afford to drop points.

Daily Horoscope For Saturday, February 15, 2025, For All Zodiac Signs By Astrologer Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar/horoscope/daily-horoscope-for-saturday-february-15-2025-for-all-zodiac-signs-by-astrologer-vinayak-vishwas-karandikar/horoscope/daily-horoscope-for-saturday-february-15-2025-for-all-zodiac-signs-by-astrologer-vinayak-vishwas-karandikar#comments5982c86a-b683-47bf-8dbb-79ac58b7e455Sat, 15 Feb 2025 17:14:41 +00002025-02-15T17:14:41.590ZVinayak Vishwas Karandikar/api/author/1667543HoroscopeTopnewsARIES


Today is the day to study /enjoy and entertain

Finance: Expect expenditure for entertainment/children/education

Career: People in education/ sports/bank /govt. Job/ politics/medical will get success

Domestic & love life: Harmony in family relationship is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from back pain/ BP.

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: pink



Today is the day to travel / study / work

Finance: Expect expenditure for house/Vehicle/travel/education

Career: People in fields like tourism/ medical /politics/journalism will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Harmony in Family is indicated. Nearby travels are indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from ear problems/back pain/heart problems

Lucky no: 8

Lucky colour: blue



Today is the day to travel/communication

Finance: Expect expenditure for family /travel/ communication

Career: Doctors/politicians/hotels/govt related people will get benefited

Domestic & love life: Travel with family member indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from eye problems/ heart problem/ tooth ache

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green



Today is the day for losses, so take wise decisions

Finance: Expect expenditure for self/ health / family needs.

Career: People in fields like doctors/hospital/ politicians / govt people will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Disputes in family is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from tooth ache / eye problems / weakness/ BP

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: pink



Today is the day to travel / expenditure/ look after health

Finance: Expect expenditure on travel / medical bills /business

Career: People in fields of tourism / medical /politics will be benefited

Domestic & love life: You may go for long drive with your family.

Health: Some people may suffer from BP/ back pain/eye problem/ weakness

Lucky no: 1

Lucky colour: Orange



Today is the day to travel / expenditure

Finance: Expect expenditure on travel / medical bills

Career: People in fields of tourism/ medical /Politics will be benefited

Domestic & love life: You may go for long drive with your family.

Health: Some people may suffer from BP/ back pain/eye problem.

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green



Today is the day to enjoy / growth

Finance: Expect expenditure on business/entertainment/sports

Career: People in fields like banking/ Hotel /medical/journalism/ art/ sport/

entertainment will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: You can have good family time.

Health: Some people may suffer from back / Knee pain.

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: green



Today is the day to study / work

Finance: Expect expenditure for study/travel/vehical/house/business

Career: People in fields like politics /govt. job/education/medical will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: You will take efforts to balance family time and office time.

Health: Some people may suffer from knee pain /heart problems

Lucky no: 2

Lucky colour: silver



Today is the day to travel/communication

Finance: Expect expenditure for health/ travel / communication

Career: People in political/medical/bank /tourism will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: take care while traveling with family

Health: some people may suffer from indigestion / body ache /injury /eye problems

Lucky no: 1

Lucky colour: Orange



Today is the day to face problems in career and family life

Finance: Expenses for wife / medical treatment/ premium are expected today.

Career: People in fields like insurance/ bank/finance/medical will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: Married life may get disturbed.

Health: Some people may suffer from lumber pain / heart/ eye problems

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: pink



Today is the day to take care of health

Finance: Expect expenditure for business/ spouse/health

Career: People in medical/sports/politics/bank will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Dispute with/ ill-health of family members is indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from stomach pain /eye/ Lumber pain.

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: Pink



Today is the day to enjoy /earn /travel

Finance: Expect expenditure for children/travel/ health

Career: Politicians/bankers/artists/ entertainers/ sportsmen/doctors/tourism will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Day to solve problems in relationships.

Health: Some people may suffer from back pain / eye /heart problems

Lucky no: 9

Lucky colour: Red

Chhattisgarh: BJP Gets Landslide Victory, Wins All 10 Municipal Corporations /india/chhattisgarh-bjp-gets-landslide-victory-wins-all-10-municipal-corporations/india/chhattisgarh-bjp-gets-landslide-victory-wins-all-10-municipal-corporations#comments4206a0bc-ef6e-41db-89f6-d2d2a93b087aSat, 15 Feb 2025 17:12:27 +00002025-02-15T17:12:27.439ZAvdhesh Mallick/api/author/1708454IndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsThe Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has achieved a significant victory, securing all 10 municipal corporations in Chhattisgarh, effectively wiping out the Congress party. In a standout performance, Meenal Chaubey from Raipur recorded the largest win, defeating Congress candidate Deepti Dubey by over 150,000 votes. BJP leaders and workers celebrated the grand victory with full enthusiasm

In Durg, Alka Baghmare triumphed over Congress's Premlata Sahu, winning by 67,000 votes, while Ramu Rohra claimed victory in Dhamtari by 34,085 votes, following the disqualification of the Congress candidate on technical grounds. In Korba, Sanju Devi defeated Usha Devi of Congress by 52,000 votes, and Pooja Vidhani won in Bilaspur, securing a victory against Pramod Nayak by 66,179 votes.

Raigarh saw Jivvardhan Chauhan defeating Janaki Katju by 36,365 votes, while in Rajnandgaon, Madhusudan Yadav from BJP emerged victorious. Sanjay Pandey of BJP also won against Malkit Singh Gaidu in Jagdalpur. In Ambikapur, Manjusha Bhagat defeated Dr. Ajay Tirkey of Congress by 11,063 votes, and in Chirmiri, Congress candidate Vinay Jaiswal lost to Ramnaresh Rai by 5,200 votes.

Notably, former Raipur mayor Aijaz Dhebar lost his councillor seat by 1,500 votes. The celebratory mood among BJP members intensified after their performance in Lormi when Deputy Chief Minister Sao and Rajesh Munat were seen dancing with party workers in Raipur. 

The counting of votes has been finalized for the positions of mayor, councillor, and president across 10 corporations, 49 municipalities, and 113 Nagar Panchayats. Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai addressed the media, claiming the voters approved the developmental work carried out by the BJP. It is a historic win for the party, he said.

Poll result

Municipal Corporation

Total 10

1. BJP 10

2. ?Congress - Nil

3. ?Independent- Nil

Municipal Council ( Nagar Palika)

Total 49

1. BJP 35

2. Congress 8 - Takhatpur, Mungeli, Katghora, Mahasamund, Bagbahara , Surajpur, Mandir Hasoud, Abhanpur,

3. AAP 1  - Bodari

4. Independent 5 - Ahiwara , Sakti, Pendra, Akaltara, simga


Total 114

1. BJP 82

2. Congress 21

3. BSP 1  -

4. Independent 10

Navi Mumbai Medical Miracle: 7-Year-Old Pune Boy Saved With Free Life-Saving Heart Surgery/mumbai/navi-mumbai-medical-miracle-7-year-old-pune-boy-saved-with-free-life-saving-heart-surgery/mumbai/navi-mumbai-medical-miracle-7-year-old-pune-boy-saved-with-free-life-saving-heart-surgery#commentsd9dc603a-d74b-43b4-ae91-5c4fa82f0bc0Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:59:26 +00002025-02-15T16:59:26.674ZSameera Kapoor Munshi/api/author/2185130Mumbai NewsTopnewsFPJ ShortsThe importance of early detection and timely treatment of children suffering with Congenital Heart disease is reiterated by the Sri Satya Sai Sanjeevani centre for child heart care in Kharghar, Navi Mumbai through a case study of a 7 year old boy residing in Pune. 

The child named Ganesh Kumar  recently underwent a 4 hour long open heart surgery at the hospital for a complex congenital heart condition he was suffering from birth. 

“The boy faced a lot of hardship through the years and most importantly he found it difficult to sit continuously for 5 to 6 hours at a stretch as he used to turn blue in color owing to difficulty breathing. As a result the child had to discontinue studies and was restricted to his house,” said the trust officer Onkar Joshi.The child's father is a small-time  vegetable vendor and originally hails from Bihar. 

The child underwent intracardiac repair for Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) , a complex condition of congenital heart disease. The treatment was conducted at the hospital for free of cost.

 “His heart had 4 defects which led him to feel exhausted and he required to rest every 2 hours which restricted his movements drastically. The family was aware about the child’s heart ailment right from age 1 however were scared to let him undergo through the surgery as they had lost another family member to a similar heath concern. The relative, also a child, had undergone an operation but didn’t survive,” said the officer.
The parents hoped the ailment will get addressed on its own instead the boy’s condition deteriorated further.

“His overall growth was affected and he was finding it increasingly difficult to do any task. The ideal age of treatment for a child with congenital heart disease is within the 1st year of birth. If the defect goes uncorrected not only is the child prone to further complications but also in many cases they come under the category of being inoperable,” informed Joshi.

The parents torn between fear and desire to give their child a chance at normal life were informed about the access to free treatment at Kharghar. The child was brought to the centre on January 29. He underwent the operation on January 30 and was discharged on February 8.“

+Congenital Heart Disease is the commonest birth defect and one of the largest causes of child mortality and morbidity. If any family finds their child with symptoms like failure to thrive, repeated pneumonia and infections, chest pain, shortness of breath, growth not as per milestones, they need to visit a Pediatrician who can refer a child to a Pediatric Cardiologist for further evaluation. Fetal Echo during pregnancy can also detect CHD at an early stage “opines Dr Jayashree Mishra  HOD  of the Pediatric Cardiology department.

With World CHD awareness week celebrated between 7th to 14th February, the hospital is determined to create as much awareness as possible.

WPL 2025: Shafali Verma’s Blazing 22 Run Over Knock Powers Delhi Capitals Chase Against Mumbai Indians; Video /sports/wpl-2025-shafali-vermas-blazing-22-run-over-knock-powers-delhi-capitals-chase-against-mumbai-indians-video/sports/wpl-2025-shafali-vermas-blazing-22-run-over-knock-powers-delhi-capitals-chase-against-mumbai-indians-video#commentsea7b3d6d-dba5-4d87-92a4-0afdf839ff28Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:51:21 +00002025-02-15T16:51:21.747ZShreyas Dhopeshwarkar/api/author/2118145SportsTopnewsDailyhuntIn the ongoing WPL 2025 match between Mumbai Indians and Delhi Capitals, opener Shafali Verma provided a fiery start to Delhi’s chase of 164 runs. She put on a stunning display of power-hitting, smashing 22 runs in a single over bowled by Saika Ishaque.

Her explosive hitting included four boundaries and a six, giving Delhi a big early boost. Delhi Capitals looked strong in the early stages, with Shafali leading the charge.

Mumbai Indians made comeback after Shafali Verma's blistering knock

At the time of writing, they were 83/4 after 10 overs. Shafali scored a quickfire 43 off just 18 balls, hitting seven fours and two sixes before getting dismissed. Skipper Meg Lanning added 15 runs to the total.

Alice Capsey remained unbeaten on 9, while debutant Niki Prasad was at the crease with 5 runs. Mumbai Indians bowlers fought back after Shafali’s onslaught, with Shabnim Ismail, Hayley Matthews, Amelia Kerr, and Nat Sciver-Brunt taking a wicket each.

With half the innings still to go, Delhi Capitals will look to build a steady partnership and chase down the target, while Mumbai Indians will aim to tighten their grip on the match with more breakthroughs.

Catalyzing Growth Through Data: How Actionable Insights Drive Revenue And Customer Success/latest-news/catalyzing-growth-through-data-how-actionable-insights-drive-revenue-and-customer-success/latest-news/catalyzing-growth-through-data-how-actionable-insights-drive-revenue-and-customer-success#comments77834109-b806-41fb-be21-adcc2902391bSat, 15 Feb 2025 16:49:16 +00002025-02-15T16:49:16.377ZNausad Modasiya/api/author/1920777Latest NewsData is now a critical resource that propels growth, efficiency, and customer success in today's business environment rather than merely being a byproduct of routine operations. Utilizing actionable insights from data has become a crucial component in generating revenue and cultivating strong customer relationships as organizations face increasing pressure to remain competitive. By improving customer satisfaction, maximizing sales, and guaranteeing cross-functional alignment, this article examines how data-driven decision-making can spur growth for businesses.

The way her organization approaches data-driven decision-making has been greatly impacted by Priyanka Taranekar, a seasoned expert in the field of business insights. Through her leadership on the Business Insights project for a leading aesthetics brand in the United States, she demonstrated how structured data analytics could transform fragmented reporting systems into actionable insights that empower sales teams, improve profitability, and enhance customer satisfaction. By aligning cross-functional teams across Sales, Finance, Marketing, and Contracting, Priyanka’s work exemplifies the power of business intelligence in shaping strategies that lead to measurable business growth.

At the core of her success lies the design and implementation of a structured Quarterly Business Review (QBR) process across six commercial sales areas. This initiative allowed the client to shift from fragmented reporting to a unified framework, ensuring that insights were not only accessible but actionable. This transition empowered sales teams to engage more effectively with clients, identify growth opportunities, and position themselves as strategic partners. The positive results of this transformation were evident in several key metrics, including a projected double-digit increase in revenue from targeted accounts and a significant margin improvement, driven by data-informed pricing strategies.

Operational efficiency improved because of Priyanka’s work. By streamlining reporting and analytics processes, her team was able to reduce the time spent on manual data preparation by a range of 20-30%. This freed up resources to focus on more strategic tasks, such as identifying key cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, resulting in a substantial improvement in sales pursuit velocity. Furthermore, customer satisfaction scores rose by 10-20% due to the accessibility and relevance of the insights provided.

In addition to her quantitative achievements, Priyanka made a significant impact by addressing the challenges of cross-functional alignment directly. She actively worked to break down the silos between the sales, finance, marketing, and contracting teams. By creating role-specific KPIs and responsibilities and aligning on shared goals, she significantly improved collaboration and reduced process redundancies. Additionally, the implementation of personas and journey maps helped stakeholders understand their specific roles in contributing to broader organizational objectives. Through these initiatives, Priyanka promoted a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, which directly contributed to strengthened customer relationships and sustained business success.

However, these achievements did not come without their challenges. One of the biggest hurdles Priyanka faced was the lack of a unified approach to reporting and analytics. Overcoming this required a comprehensive restructuring of processes and data management systems. She introduced standardized reporting practices and ensured that the insights delivered were both actionable and consistent, creating a reliable foundation for decision-making. Overcoming resistance to change from stakeholders using legacy systems was another significant challenge. By tailoring communication strategies and involving key stakeholders in the process, Priyanka secured the buy-in needed to drive the project’s success.

The success of Priyanka’s project underscores the importance of data-driven insights in enabling organizations to make more informed decisions. In an age where companies are overwhelmed with vast amounts of data, the ability to extract meaningful insights and translate them into actionable strategies is crucial for long-term success. Moreover, as digitalization continues to evolve, the importance of integrating advanced technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence into data analytics will only increase. Companies that invest in these capabilities and foster a culture of collaboration across teams will be well-positioned to capitalize on emerging opportunities and drive sustainable growth.

Future developments in data-driven decision-making are probably going to see even more advanced tools and technologies influence how companies function. As Priyanka notes, “The key to success in this evolving landscape lies not just in collecting vast amounts of data but in transforming that data into actionable insights that align with the organization’s broader objectives. It is about creating a system where data becomes a strategic asset, driving both immediate and long-term business outcomes.”

Through her work, Priyanka has shown how data can be a potent growth accelerator. By enabling organizations to harness actionable insights, businesses can drive revenue, enhance customer satisfaction, and foster greater collaboration across teams. Leveraging data is no longer optional in the fiercely competitive business world; it is necessary for long-term success.

Kartik Aaryan, Anurag Basu Film Announced With Aashiqui Song; Sreeleela Plays The Female Lead After Triptii Dimri’s Exit (Watch Video)/entertainment/kartik-aaryan-anurag-basu-film-announced-with-aashiqui-song-sreeleela-plays-the-female-lead-after-triptii-dimris-exit-watch-video/entertainment/kartik-aaryan-anurag-basu-film-announced-with-aashiqui-song-sreeleela-plays-the-female-lead-after-triptii-dimris-exit-watch-video#comments1b124a47-6ac0-4ae5-bb74-6968126b08f3Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:32:39 +00002025-02-15T16:32:39.961ZMurtuza Iqbal/api/author/2192386EntertainmentBollywoodTopnewsFPJ ShortsOne film that has been in the news from the past few months is Anurag Basu’s next with Kartik Aaryan. There were reports that Basu has been roped in to direct Aashiqui 3 which will star Kartik Aaryan and Triptii Dimri in the lead roles. However, soon there were reports that due to Triptii’s image after Animal, the makers have planned to replace her. But, Basu denied those rumours and claimed that due to date issues Triptii is not doing the film. He also stated that media should ask Triptii why she opted out of it.

Meanwhile, there were reports of multiple actresses being approached for the movie, and South star Sreeleela starring it. Finally, today, the makers have released a video announcing the movie officially.

In the announcement video, Kartik is seen singing a recreated version of an Aashiqui (1990) song. While there were strong reports that the film is the third instalment of Aashiqui franchise, Basu in an interview had stated that he doesn’t know what the film will be called.

Even in this announcement video, the makers have not revealed the title of the film. But, it does have an Aashiqui feel because of the song and also because it is a romantic movie.

In this short video itself, the chemistry between Kartik and Sreeleela is quite impressive, and we are surely looking forward to this fresh pairing on the big screens. This movie will mark Sreeleela's Bollywood debut. While she did grab everyone’s attention with Kisik song in Pushpa 2, it will be interesting to see if what response the Hindi audience will give her performance.  

The movie, which is produced by Bhushan Kumar under the T-Series banner, is slated to release on Diwali this year. Well, it won’t be getting a solo release as already Ayushmann Khurrana and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Thama is slated to hit the big screens on the festival. So, it will be a clash between a romantic musical and a romantic horror-comedy.

Spice, Smoke And OTT Show; Android Enhancing Your Kitchen Spaces/tech/android-upping-your-kitchen-spaces/tech/android-upping-your-kitchen-spaces#comments8f566b40-d637-4069-bdd3-bb56e4bbf6caSat, 15 Feb 2025 16:17:58 +00002025-02-15T16:17:58.396ZPoulami Saha/api/author/2187872tech,TECHNOLOGY,Gadgets and ElectronicstechBusinessLatest NewsTrendingTopnewsWhat if you could connect YouTube to your cooktop? Or get mess-free cooktops? With tech evolving, you can now get android connected chimneys. Today tech has given rise to smart kitchen solutions designed specifically for Indian households. You get features like timer-controlled cooking in cooktops and Hobs, 3 dimensional suction in Chimney.

These aren’t just high-tech additions; they are built to withstand real-world challenges, from spice-laden cooking environments to multi-generational usage patterns, ensuring that technology enhances convenience without disrupting traditional cooking habits. In conversation with Free Press Journal, Eshwar K Vikas, CEO & Co-founder of Beyond Appliances, on how tech has given a makeover to our great Indian kitchen!

What trends can be found in the Indian smart kitchen technology market?

From refrigerators that track your groceries and notify you when items are running low to devices that automate cooking, technology has become an integral part of modern kitchens. They will adapt to our changing needs, preferences, and lifestyles, making everyday cooking more intuitive. Key trends shaping this transformation include hyper-personalization, IoT-enabled smart kitchens, and the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to enhance kitchen experiences.

How has kitchen appliances evolved over the years?

In India, kitchens are often considered the heart of the home, with many women spending 3 to 4 hours a day in this space. Making kitchens more intuitive, engaging, and convenient is a challenge that smart appliance companies are embracing.

While the adoption of smart kitchen technologies has been slow in India, the shift towards convenience is undeniable and accelerating.This change in consumer behavior is part of a broader trend toward convenience and efficiency, driving demand for smart kitchen solutions.

Orion Android Powered Chimney

Brief your flagship products like the Orion Android Powered Chimney and the Dorado HOBTOP

The S-curve baffle filter consists of an upper baffle cover and a bottom baffle cover, together forming the baffle plate. Both covers are Teflon-coated. The Orion Android Powered chimney comes with a 7-inch touch screen to control chimney functions one can access a variety of apps like OTT and YouTube, and it transforms cooking into an interactive and enjoyable activity. 

Dorado HOBTOP by Beyond Appliance incorporates advanced safety features like Flame Failure Detection (FFD), which automatically cuts off the gas supply if the flame is accidentally extinguished. The digital timer feature enables precise cooking control, eliminating the need for constant monitoring.


How does the integration of OTT platforms enhance the user experience in the kitchen?

The Orion-powered chimney running on Android, have OTT and YouTube streaming features. This allows users to watch video recipes, participate in live cooking classes, or even catch up on their favorite shows while preparing meals. By making cooking more interactive and engaging, this integration enhances the experience, which is perfect for those who love experimenting with new recipes. Whether it’s learning a dish from a chef on YouTube or following step-by-step guided cooking, this technology transforms the kitchen into a space for creativity and enjoyment beyond just meal preparation.

What are your future plans of product launches or market expansion?

The company plans to launch six new SKUs in the next two months across chimney, hob, and cooktop categories. One of the upcoming AI-powered chimneys will feature a Smart Whistle Counter Sensor, designed to detect and count pressure cooker whistles, addressing the common challenge of manual monitoring. In the hob and stove category, new models will include methane sensors to enhance safety by detecting gas leaks.

WPL 2025: Mumbai Indians Skipper Harmanpreet Kaur Achieves Milestone, Completes 8000 T20 Runs/sports/wpl-2025-mumbai-indians-skipper-harmanpreet-kaur-achieves-milestone-completes-8000-t20-runs/sports/wpl-2025-mumbai-indians-skipper-harmanpreet-kaur-achieves-milestone-completes-8000-t20-runs#comments2154c335-2645-43ea-82e1-9b1d853fa40aSat, 15 Feb 2025 16:13:32 +00002025-02-15T16:13:32.340ZAmertha Rangankar/api/author/2213845SportsDailyhuntTopnewsFPJ ShortsMumbai Indians captain Harmanpreet Kaur has added another feather to her cap, becoming the second Indian cricketer to complete 8000 T20 runs. This impressive milestone is a testament to Kaur's incredible batting prowess and her enduring dominance in the shortest format of the game.

Kaur, who has been a stalwart of Indian women's cricket for over a decade, achieved this feat while leading the Mumbai Indians in the Women's Premier League (WPL). She completed this astonishing feat when she was batting against Delhi Capitals today. The Mumbai Indians skipper made 42 runs off just 22 balls. Kaur smashed a barrage of 4 boundaries and 3 sixes against Delhi Capitals.

Kaur's impressive batting record is a reflection of her skill, dedication, and passion for the game. Smriti Mandhana was the first Indian cricketer to achieve this milestone, and Kaur's achievement is a testament to the growing depth and talent in Indian women's cricket. Kaur's impressive record in T20 cricket includes a strike rate of over 120.

Harmanpreet Kaur Unleashes Against Delhi Capitals at WPL 2025

Mumbai Indians captain Harmanpreet Kaur unleashed a blistering 42-run knock off just 22 balls, adorned with four boundaries and three massive sixes. Her explosive batting lifted her team from a precarious 32-2 to 105-2 in 10.5 overs.

The highlight of her innings was a devastating assault on Delhi Capitals' fast bowler Annabel Sutherland, smashing 18 runs off just four balls in the 11th over. Harmanpreet Kaur's explosive sequence of three consecutive boundaries and a six off Sutherland was eventually halted when the Australian pacer struck back to dismiss the Mumbai Indians captain, ending a scorching 73-run third-wicket partnership.

Karnataka Shocker: Former Goa MLA Lavoo Mamlatdar Dies Minutes After Assault By Auto Driver In Belagavi; Visuals Surface/india/karnataka-shocker-former-goa-mla-lavoo-mamlatdar-dies-minutes-after-assault-by-auto-driver-in-belagavi-visuals-surface/india/karnataka-shocker-former-goa-mla-lavoo-mamlatdar-dies-minutes-after-assault-by-auto-driver-in-belagavi-visuals-surface#comments362c3078-9cdf-4018-8f42-0524b61a380eSat, 15 Feb 2025 15:51:55 +00002025-02-15T15:51:55.556ZPTI/api/author/623873IndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsA former Goa MLA on Saturday collapsed in a hotel and died minutes after he was allegedly assaulted by an auto driver following an argument in neighbouring Karnataka, an official said.

Police have arrested the accused auto driver, he said.

Congress leader Lavoo Mamlatdar, 68, was on a business trip to Belagavi, about 120 km from Panaji, where the incident took place. Before joining politics in 2012, Mamlatdar was a deputy superintendent of police-rank officer in Goa.

According to a senior Karnataka police department official, Mamlatdar and an auto driver got into an argument following an accident. During the altercation, the autodriver hit him multiple times, the official said citing CCTV footage procured from the spot.

After the assault, Mamlatdar went to a hotel where he collapsed on a staircase. “He was taken to a government hospital but was declared dead before admission,” the official said.

The Belagavi police have taken the rickshaw driver into custody, he said.

Mamlatdar was a member of the Goa Legislative Assembly between 2012-2017 representing the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP). He had joined Congress in 2022 and unsuccessfully contested the Goa polls that year from Madkai constituency.

(Except for the headline, this article has not been edited by FPJ's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)

WPL 2025: Mumbai Indians Skipper Harmanpreet Kaur Plays A Fiery Knock Against Delhi Capitals/sports/wpl-2025-mumbai-indians-skipper-harmanpreet-kaur-plays-a-fiery-knock-against-delhi-capitals/sports/wpl-2025-mumbai-indians-skipper-harmanpreet-kaur-plays-a-fiery-knock-against-delhi-capitals#comments7edbe86d-ac91-4972-8245-6779b12f4314Sat, 15 Feb 2025 15:36:12 +00002025-02-15T15:36:12.139ZAmertha Rangankar/api/author/2213845SportsDailyhuntTopnewsFPJ ShortsMumbai Indians' team captain Harmanpreet Kaur is known for her explosive batting, and her recent knock of 42 runs off just 22 balls was a testament to her incredible skills. Kaur smashed a barrage of 4 boundaries and 3 sixes against Delhi Capitals in the Tata Women's Premier League.

Kaur's fiery innings was a masterclass in aggressive batting, as she tore into the opposition's bowling attack with a flurry of boundaries and sixes. Her knock was characterized by her trademark fearlessness and precision, as she picked her spots and dispatched the ball to all corners of the ground.

Kaur came in to bat when Mumbai Indians were 32-2 and thereafter took on the Delhi Capitals' bowling attack. The Mumbai Indians captain's innings was a thrilling display of power-hitting, with Kaur using her quick feet and strong wrists to generate tremendous bat speed. Her ability to clear the ropes with ease was on full display, as she sent several balls soaring over the boundary for six.

Annabel Sutherland took the wicket of Kaur when she was caught at the deep third by Niki Prasad. Kaur's knock of 42 runs off 22 balls was a testament to her incredible talent and experience. As one of the most successful batters in women's cricket, Kaur has a reputation for delivering under pressure, and her recent innings was just the latest example of her impressive skills.

Mumbai Indians are looking for their 2nd WPL title

The Mumbai Indians have established themselves as the most successful team in the Women's Premier League (WPL), building on their franchise's winning legacy in other leagues. 

As the inaugural WPL champions in 2023 and runners-up in 2024, they boast an impressive record, surpassing Delhi Capitals, the only other team to consistently make the playoffs but without securing a title. The Mumbai Indians' roster is packed with star players, making their success no surprise.

As the team prepares to take on the challenges of the new season, they will be looking to build on their past successes. With a strong squad and a wealth of experience, the Mumbai Indians are well-placed to make a strong bid for their second WPL title.

Mumbai Races: Golden Kingdom Fancied For Homi Mody Trophy /sports/mumbai-races-golden-kingdom-fancied-for-homi-mody-trophy/sports/mumbai-races-golden-kingdom-fancied-for-homi-mody-trophy#comments4d1ea0db-f772-42bd-a91c-1bc3d462e089Sat, 15 Feb 2025 15:29:49 +00002025-02-15T15:29:49.190ZFPJ Web Desk/api/author/623874SportsThe experienced Golden Kingdom, hailing from the stable of Adhiraj S. Jodha, emerges as the prime contender for the Homi Mody Trophy, the main race on the 14th day of the Mumbai meeting at the prestigious Mahalaxmi Racecourse this Sunday.

Having already showcased its prowess with a commendable victory in the Mysore Race Club Trophy, Golden Kingdom is expected to assert dominance over its two rivals in this small yet competitive three-horse field.

However, Rasputin, trained by the seasoned Imtiaz A. Sait, is another formidable challenger in this high-stakes Derby-distance event. With an impressive track record and strong preparation, Rasputin is well-equipped to pose a serious threat and could make the battle for supremacy an exciting affair.

With the stage set for an intense showdown, racing enthusiasts can expect a thrilling contest as these elite thoroughbreds vie for glory in this prestigious event.

First Race: 2.00pm


1.The P D Bolton Trophy: 1. (4), 2. (1)

2. The Homi Mody Trophy: 1. Golden Kingdom (2), 2. Rasputin (1)

3. The Grand Passion Plate: 1. (4), 2. (2), 3. (1)

4. The M D Mehta Trophy Div-1: 1. (5), 2. (8), 3. (6)

5. The Municipal Commissioner's Trophy: 1. (7), 2. (6), 3. (4)

6. The Amateur Riders' Club Trophy: 1. (3), 2. (2), 3. (7)

7. The M D Mehta Trophy Div-2: 1. (5), 2. (6), 3. (8)

8. The M M T Pandole Plate: 1. (10), 2. (2), 3. (5), 3. (9)

SportVot x FPJ: Sharukh Ansari Sparkles In Strom Breaker Victory In Champions Trophy/sports/sportvot-x-fpj-sharukh-ansari-sparkles-in-strom-breaker-victory-in-champions-trophy/sports/sportvot-x-fpj-sharukh-ansari-sparkles-in-strom-breaker-victory-in-champions-trophy#commentsaf6307a6-ae72-4734-a98e-9ed4a2abb19bSat, 15 Feb 2025 15:24:56 +00002025-02-15T15:24:56.594ZFPJ Web Desk/api/author/623874SportsStrom Breaker pulled off a thrilling run chase, defeating BAT Magician by six wickets with eight balls to spare in the Champions Trophy. Chasing 161, A Anshul led the charge with a blistering 42 off 25 balls, smashing six fours and two sixes at a fiery strike rate of 168.

He was well supported by S. Rai, who played a crucial knock of 36 off 22 balls, hitting six boundaries and one six at a strike rate of 163. Sharukh Ansari contributed both with bat and ball, scoring a steady 28 off 23 balls with four fours and later picking up 3 wickets despite conceding 36 runs in his 4 overs. BAT Magician’s total of 161/6 in 20 overs seemed competitive, but Strom Breaker’s aggressive batting ensured they comfortably reached 162/4 in 18.4 overs to claim a well-earned victory.

Achievers CA secured a thrilling victory over Blazing Falcons, chasing down the target of 108 with eight balls to spare. Mayank Sharma delivered a match-winning bowling performance, claiming four wickets for just 16 runs in his four-over spell maintaining an impressive economy of 4.00.

He was well supported by Y Yash (2/17) and A. Singh (2/27), who kept the opposition in check. In the chase, N Yadav led the charge with a brisk 33 off 22 balls, striking four boundaries at a strike rate of 150, while A. Singh provided stability with a steady 24 off 31 balls. Their collective efforts ensured Achievers CA's triumph in a closely contested match.

Valentine's Day Drama: Girlfriend Catches Boyfriend With Another Girl, Chaos Erupts At Delhi Metro Station (VIDEO)/india/valentines-day-drama-girlfriend-catches-boyfriend-with-another-girl-chaos-erupts-at-delhi-metro-station-video/india/valentines-day-drama-girlfriend-catches-boyfriend-with-another-girl-chaos-erupts-at-delhi-metro-station-video#comments2b356fa6-8846-454f-9afe-237f039e94adSat, 15 Feb 2025 15:20:32 +00002025-02-15T15:20:32.166ZFPJ Web Desk/api/author/623874delhi metroIndiaTopnewsFPJ ShortsNew Delhi, February 14: A viral video from Valentine's Day captured a dramatic altercation at a metro station in Delhi, where a girl confronted her boyfriend after finding him with another woman on the train.

A video from the incident went viral on social media. Have a look:

In the viral clip, a girl in a red dress is seen confronting a boy at a metro station. As the argument between the couple intensifies, the man pushes the girl to the floor. Later, the girl furiously scolds her boyfriend, mocking everything from his looks to his intelligence.

Outraged after catching him with another girl, she says in the video, "What do you think of yourself? How dare you touch me?" The 55-second clip captures her intense anguish before abruptly ending.

Have a look at how the netizens reacted to the incident:

While some internet users found the incident amusing, others condemned it as inappropriate behaviour.

‘Death Threats Pour In, People Have Invaded My Mother’s Clinic’: Ranveer Allahbadia Shares Shocking Details Of What’s Happening With Him Post Controversy/entertainment/death-threats-pour-in-people-have-invaded-my-mothers-clinic-ranveer-allahbadia-shares-shocking-details-of-whats-happening-with-him-post-controversy/entertainment/death-threats-pour-in-people-have-invaded-my-mothers-clinic-ranveer-allahbadia-shares-shocking-details-of-whats-happening-with-him-post-controversy#comments00d1ac17-661b-415e-8e32-cef3a11e61e3Sat, 15 Feb 2025 15:09:09 +00002025-02-15T15:09:09.757ZMurtuza Iqbal/api/author/2192386EntertainmentBollywoodTopnewsFPJ ShortsRanveer Allahbadia has been in the news for the past few days after he said the ‘parents sex’ statement on Samay Raina’s show India’s Got Latent. He was being slammed for using obscene language, and multiple FIRs have been filed against him and Samay. After the IGL video went viral, Ranveer quickly shared a video apologizing for what he said.

However now, the YouTuber has shared shocking details about what is happening with him post the controversy. Ranveer took to Instagram to share a note which read, "My team and I are cooperating with the police and all other authorities. I will follow due process and be available to all agencies. My remark about parents was insensitive and disrespectful. It is my moral responsibility to do better and I am genuinely sorry."

He further revealed that he is getting death threats. Ranveer wrote, "I'm watching death threats pour in from people saying that they want to kill me and hurt my family. People have invaded my mother's clinic posing as patients. I'm feeling scared and I don't know what to do. But I'm not running away. I have full faith in the police and the judicial system of India."

Check out his post below...

Reportedly, Ranveer had told the police to come to his residence to record his statement. However, the cops denied his request.

After the whole controversy, the video of Ranveer's India's Got Latent episode was removed by YouTube, and later Samay deleted all the episodes of the show from his channel.

India's Got Latent was a show in which contestants used to come and showcase their talent, and the jury used to judge and roast them. The sexual content talk as well as the cuss words were spoken quite normally on the show.

Many celebs like Rakhi Sawant, Uorfi Javed, Siddhant Chaturvedi, Avika Gor, and others were a part of India's Got Latent as guest judge.

Daily Horoscope For Friday, February 14, 2025, For All Zodiac Signs By Astrologer Vinayak Vishwas Karandikar/horoscope/daily-horoscope-for-friday-february-14-2025-for-all-zodiac-signs-by-astrologer-vinayak-vishwas-karandikar/horoscope/daily-horoscope-for-friday-february-14-2025-for-all-zodiac-signs-by-astrologer-vinayak-vishwas-karandikar#comments461463ca-f901-4b9a-99c8-878ab453828aThu, 13 Feb 2025 23:30:00 +00002025-02-13T23:30:00.000ZVinayak Vishwas Karandikar/api/author/1667543HoroscopeTopnewsARIES


Today is the day for study / enjoy family life/ business/travel

Finance: Expect expenditure on entertainment/ business /education/vehicle/spouse

Career: people in event management/ automobile/ entertainment /art /travel will get success.

Domestic & love life: family function / entertainment/travel with family is indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from skin /kidney/ diabetes.

Lucky no: 3

Lucky colour: Yellow



Today is the day for travel/ take care of health

Finance: Expect expenditure on medical bill/ travel/communication

Career: People from art/ ads / entertainment/ medical /bank will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Dispute with younger sibling/spouse is indicated.

Health: Some people may suffer from skin /kidney / eye problems.

Lucky no: 8

Lucky colour: Black/Blue



Today is the day to enjoy / travel /expenditure

Finance: Expect expenditure for luxury items/ vehicle/ children/travel

Career: People in arts/ entertainment/ sports /tourism will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Picnic/ long journey with family is indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from sexual /eye problems.

Lucky no: 9

Lucky colour: Red



Day to be with family/study/ enjoy

Finance: Expect expenditure for house/vehicle/education

Career: People in fields like automobile/ art /entertainment/education will be benefited

Domestic & love life: You will enjoy decorating / renovating your house.

Health: Some people may suffer from diabetes /eye problems

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: Pink



Today is the day to travel/expenditure/enjoyment

Finance: Expect expenditure for business /travel /communication/ premiums

Career: People from tourism/advertising/entertainment/art /maintenance will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: Long journey /picnic is indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from knee pain/ shoulder pain

Lucky no: 2

Lucky colour: silver / white



Today is the day to earn/travel/study

Finance: Expect expenditure for education/travel/ entertainment

Career: People in fields like entertainment/art / tourism will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Happy time with family members is indicated

Health: People may suffer from eye problems /throat pain/skin disease

Lucky no: 5

Lucky colour: Green



Today is the Day for expenditure/ travel/business/ enjoyment

Finance: Expect expenditure for luxury/ beauty products / entertainment/ travel

Career: People in fields like art/entertainment/ tourism/beauty will be benefited.

Domestic & love life: Long journey/ picnic /tour with family is indicated

Health: Some people may suffer from kidney/hernia/eye problem

Lucky no: 3

Lucky colour: Yellow / saffron



Today you may get your stuck money back.

Finance: Expect expenditure for health / house/vehicle/ premiums

Career: People from automobile/ entertainment/art/ medical will get success.

Domestic & love life: Disputes with family members is indicated.

Health: some people may suffer from stomach pain/kidney/sexual problems.

Lucky no: 1

Lucky colour: Orange



Today is the day for enjoyment/ business/travel/communication

Finance: Expect expenditure for business/ children /entertainment

Career: people in arts/ entertainment/ sports/ ads/ event will get success.

Domestic & love life: Married and love life will be romantic. Time to see movies/ play/ party

Health: Some people may suffer from kidney/ hernia/ knee /sex/ eye problem

Lucky no: 6

Lucky colour: Pink



Today is the day to study/ travel

Finance: Expect expenditure for education/ interior decoration/vehicle/ travel

Career: People from art /education/ interior decoration/ architects/ automobiles will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Enjoyment/party is expected in house

Health: some people may suffer from indigestion/ chest pain

Lucky no: 7

Lucky colour: Grey



Today loss is indicated, so act wisely

Finance: Expect expenditure for children/ premiums/ maintenance/ health

Career: People from Liquor shop/ bars/ pubs / art/ entertainment / insurance will be benefited

Domestic & love life: Family dispute is indicated, so try to avoid it

Health: Some people may suffer from back /shoulder /kidney

Lucky no: 9

Lucky colour: Red
